A couple calls on a drone driver to try to find their dog lost for ten days in the woods!

It had been over a week since the owners of Meadow, a Golden Retriever, had heard from her. They posted messages calling for help via social networks. One of them was seen by a drone pilot who quickly went to the scene to facilitate the search.

Gary Morgan , his wife Debbie and their dog Meadow live in Andes , a town in upstate New York. The couple recently got very scared for their 4-legged friend, the one-year-old Golden Retriever. She was, in fact, missing for nearly 10 days , as reported by ABC News .

Meadow’s teachers looked for her everywhere around their home. They also had the good idea to post research notices on social media . This is precisely what contributed to the happy outcome of their mishap.

One of these posts caught the attention of Brian James , a resident of Cairo , about sixty kilometers away. This man is a seasoned hiking guide , but he is also and above all a confirmed drone pilot. As soon as he learned of Meadow’s disappearance, and although he did not know her or her family, he decided to take part in the search .

He figured he would have a better chance of locating the bitch with his device from above before the snow began to fall. So he went to Andes without wasting time and deployed his drone. Very quickly, he saw a white silhouette among the trees. It was indeed Meadow . He went to join her and contacted Gary and Debbie to tell them the news.

Read also: The great emotion of an 82-year-old retiree who finds his dog 3 months after his kidnapping!


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