2 dead dogs and a game head discovered in a bag in Moselle

SYDEME / Facebook

At the Sarreguemines waste sorting center, a sordid discovery was made at the start of the week in one of the treated bags. The latter hid, in fact, 2 dead dogs, as well as a doe’s head. The identification of the animals and those responsible for this act promises to be difficult, because they were not microchipped.

The team at the Sarreguemines sorting center (57) is in shock after the sad discovery made in multi-flow collection. It is SYDEME , the Household Waste Syndicate of Moselle-Est, which revealed the information this Tuesday morning (January 21, 2020) and expressed its indignation via its Facebook page.

The publication in question a photo showing an unbearable spectacle: 2 corpses of dogs with black coats, accompanied by a doe’s head . They were all in an orange bag opened at the sorting center for processing.

According to the Facebook post in question, this bag would come from the nearby town of Rohrbach-lès-Bitche .

An attempt was made to identify the deceased dogs, but they did not have a microchip or tattoo . It is therefore still unknown to whom they belonged and who are the person or persons responsible for this heinous act.

The presence of the game head can suggest hunting (dogs accidentally killed during a game or hunting dogs that have become “useless” in the eyes of their master?), A thesis mentioned by several people who commented on the publication of SYDEME . But for the moment, nothing confirms this track.

Read also: The unique friendship between a rescued stray kitten and a Golden Retriever (video)

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