Heroic young vacationer rushes to lake to fish out drowning dog

There is no age to become a hero. Connor Telford, 17, reacted quickly when he saw a dog drowning in a lake in Wales. He put his own life in danger to get it back safe and sound.

The teenager was enjoying his first vacation days in Swansea with his girlfriend and mother, when the tragedy arose.

Charlie , a 7-year-old Shih Tzu, found himself trapped in the thick reeds of a lake while chasing ducks. Carried away by the current, the quadruped began to drown.

© Jane Warner

Jane Warner , its owner, helplessly watched the scene from the shore. It was impossible for him to intervene to rescue him, because of his handicap. All hope seemed lost, until an unexpected light burst forth.

The teen put the dog’s safety ahead of his own

Charlie struggled to keep his muzzle out of the water, before the young man intervened. The latter arrived on time. He walked over to the Shih Tzu, grabbed him, and carried him to dry land for safety.

In shock, the 50-something forgot to ask for the contact details of the hero who helped her beloved dog. After some research, she finally managed to find him on social networks, where she shared her feat.

After having lived through this mishap, the Savior and the Saved are doing well.

Also read: 6 months after his adoption, admire the incredible transformation of this once neglected dog!

© Jane Warner


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