Identify dog diseases by symptoms

Illustration : "Reconnaître la maladie de son chien par les symptômes"

your dog may be infected with a variety of diseases in his life. In most cases, these diseases show one or more symptoms, whether mild or more serious, which need to be detected in time. How to identify the symptoms of the disease? When did you react? We’ll give you some clues. Our goal is to respond as soon as possible so as not to endanger his rehabilitation opportunities.


Loss of appetite and weight loss constipation diarrhea your dog vomits your dog coughs and sneezes to the female breast your dog has difficulty breathing your dog has difficulty breathing leishmaniasis rabies leptospirosis leptospirosis leptospirosis dogs cough in the

kennel when they are sick, It is important to examine and treat him as soon as possible in order to increase his chances of rapid recovery and even survive in some cases. This includes identifying potential signs of abnormal states.

any change in animal behavior, attitude and appearance may be a warning factor for the occurrence of disease. Therefore, you must be vigilant and watch your dog carefully in order to respond as soon as possible when needed. The following are the main diseases and related symptoms of dogs. In any case, you must see the veterinarian as soon as possible.

loss of appetite and weight loss

your dog no longer eats, even though it is used to a strong appetite? Does he lose weight every day? If these symptoms do not necessarily hide underlying diseases, they should remind you. It may just be that your canine is under too much pressure. It can’t bear the changes of daily life or environment. If he has a poor appetite, he may not like his snacks or the food provided. You must pay attention to changing his diet. Compared with the energy consumption of dogs, weight loss may be a sign of low calorie intake.


may be related to some diseases:

oral diseases will hinder your partner’s full recovery. Viral infection or digestive disorders, usually accompanied by other symptoms. depression. Constipation

your dog has difficulty defecating. There may be many reasons: lack of exercise, stress, anxiety, improper diet, dogs lack water every day and eat too much bone. This may be a sign of a more serious problem, such as intestinal obstruction after swallowing harmful substances such as plastic or fabric.


diarrhea will soon become difficult to manage because it will lead to rapid dehydration in dogs. If diarrhea is common, long-term diarrhea is often a sign of more serious diseases. This may be a sign that parasites enter the animal digestive system. It may be related to Plaza disease or parvovirus disease. Your veterinarian is best suited for diagnosis.

however, consultation is not always useful only if diarrhea is transient and lasts no more than 24 hours. In this case, the cause must be found in deterioration, toxicity or stress events. There are many dietary reasons, such as rapid dietary change (no transition period), excessive daily diet, and even intolerance or allergy.

your dog vomits

if your dog vomits for a short time, you have no reasonworry. He may have swallowed rotten, expired food, or his stomach may be a little full. Like humans, it may be caused by indigestion, motor transport or excessive exercise.

on the other hand, if vomiting lasts for a long time, it may be a sign of potential diseases, such as gastritis, intestinal obstruction, renal failure or liver problems. In this case, don’t wait until you see a doctor.

your dog coughs and sneezes

a slight cough or sneeze may be a valid cause of temporary allergies, or just want to expel respiratory discomfort. It may also be the result of a seasonal cold and must be treated before it develops bronchitis with other symptoms. It is important to check whether this cough occurs automatically after physical activity that may indicate heart problems. Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Learn more about “kdsp” female breast balls. Women, especially after the age of 7, may form balls in their breasts. In most cases, this is benign. This may be the accumulation of fat in this area, or it may be a benign tumor, so it is not cancer. However, this may be a sign of sarcoma or adenosarcoma, a cancer tumor. If you find these balls, be sure to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. The sooner they are found, the easier it is for your dog to recover.

your dog has difficulty breathing.

is hardly benign. In case of dyspnea, when you hear the dog breathing, it may be a disease related to the dog’s respiratory system. Your dog may have pneumonia, lung infection or heart disease. We need to consult as soon as possible. This can also lead to heatstroke in your dog, especially in summer, or paralysis of your dog’s throat if it is elderly.

your dog has a disgusting

breathing. In most cases, The reason for your dog’s bad breath is that if you don’t take full care of his teeth, he has too much tartar on his teeth. This may also be due to your partner’s oral wound.


are rare, but it is occasionally observed that this halitosis is the result of digestive system disorder, even intestinal inflammation or sinusitis. Leishmaniasis is a serious parasitic disease with long treatment time and heavy burden. The results cannot be guaranteed, so effective prevention and early detection are needed.


are transmitted through mosquito bites. In infected dogs, they show regression, significant weight loss, lymph node and skin lesions,


is a kind of rabies that can be transmitted to human beings. It is necessary to get a mandatory vaccine every year for renewal.


the main symptoms of this disease are easy to identify in dogs: dog fever, Pupil dilation and excessive salivation may show fundamental changes in behavior, usually manifested as excessive fear or high aggression.

square disease

viral disease, Square disease can be transmitted from one dog to another. She has been vaccinated since she was three months oldUpdated annually.


in dogs with canine distemper, cough, vomiting and diarrhea often occur. His eyes and nose also began to sink.


is caused by leptospirosis bacteria with a question mark. This disease causes dogs to vomit blood, have black stools and urinate rarely, sometimes even not at all.

annual vaccine can prevent this disease.

Please also read: how to relieve itching in dogs? Kdspe “piloplasma”

“dogs may be suspected of being affected by piloplasma due to high fever, severe fatigue, loss of appetite and dark urine.”


” This tick borne disease is treated with various vaccines and antibiotics.

dog cough

as the name suggests, dog cough mainly occurs in the structure in which dogs live in the community. It is also known as infectious bronchitis and is highly infectious. If dogs are required to be placed in kennels or any other institutions and gather others together, they must be vaccinated. And fever and sneezing. “

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