Warning signs of dog cancer

Illustration : "Les signes annonciateurs de cancer chez le chien"

some signs may indicate that the dog has cancer.

executive summary

weight and appetite decline, suspicious smell, mass area vomiting and diarrhea, energy loss, alleviate gum breathing problems, less red

than usual Cancer is the root of human fear and worry, but the medical progress made through continuous research also brings hope. The same is true of dogs. They may also develop tumors. The key is to find the symptoms that may be related to cancer as soon as possible in order to maximize the possibility of successful treatment. In fact, there are many warning signs of cancer, which is best found in dogs as soon as possible.

when these symptoms are observed, it is necessary to take the animals to the veterinarian as soon as possible. This will enable the veterinarian to check before referring to a veterinary cancer (Oncology) specialist if necessary to eliminate or confirm suspicions. Then appropriate treatment can be carried out: surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy to remove the tumor.

weight loss appetite

any form of persistent canine anorexia can warn of possible cancer. It may be a tumor in the dog’s mouth that prevents it from eating correctly, or it may be another tumor in the dog’s digestive system. No matter what happens, the loss of weight and appetite is a worrying sign for dogs.

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bad breath, and the smell of the dog’s nose or rectum may also be a warning signal of abnormalities and even cancer. Oral tumors can also cause halitosis. The latter is usually accompanied by bleeding, which makes the dog unable to eat normally.

mass area

through observation and touching, the dog may be aware of a mass under the skin. These relief areas may correspond to cysts or tumors. It is important to take your animal to the veterinarian so that the veterinarian can accurately identify the problem.

vomiting and diarrhea

vomiting and diarrhea are worrying only when they occur repeatedly. If so, it may cause serious doubt.

energy loss, inhibit

, a usually energetic and energetic dog, inexplicably becomes inactive and indifferent, and may suffer from serious diseases. Frequent sleepiness, loss of interest in your favorite games and loss of energy are warning signs.

breathing problems

cough, wheeze or shortness of breath early (after low-intensity exercise) Kdspe

also read: how to reduce the itching of dogs?

gums are less than usual, and the color of red

gums is an important indicator of dog health. If they are darker than usual, it may be the result of blood circulation problems. The root cause of this dysfunction may be a serious disease. The risk of cancer is notGap “

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