300 people mobilized in a shelter to comfort the frightened dogs during the national day in the United States


Rather than partying and admiring the fireworks, some American citizens preferred to spend the evening of July 4 alongside the dogs of the shelters to reassure them. The explosions risked terrorizing them.

July 4 is synonymous with a national holiday in the United States, but also times of terror for dogs who cannot stand loud and sudden noises. Fireworks are, in fact, real torture for these animals, just like thunderstorms. Hundreds of people, however, decided to mobilize to comfort them that evening, as The Dodo recounts.

They answered the call of the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control ( MCACC ), which operates 2 shelters in Phoenix, Arizona. The organization has, in fact, made its “ Calming the Canines ” initiative a real tradition for several years.

The last edition took place in 2019, those of 2020 and 2021 having been canceled due to restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a total success, with over 300 participants.


So many women, men and children who preferred to spend time with the dogs in the shelters to comfort them, rather than enjoying the spectacle offered by the fireworks. On the evening of July 4, they all settled down in front of the boxes to read to the canines, sing songs to them or offer them treats.

Success of the operation at all levels

The goal was to get the dogs to focus their attention on something other than the sound of pyrotechnic explosions. And it worked perfectly. Ben Swan , Director of Development for MCACC , said he was impressed with the community’s response.


The experience was also positive on another level, since, among the participants, many people returned to the shelters afterwards to help take care of the animals, to welcome them on a temporary basis and even to adopt them.

Everyone hopes to be able to reconnect with “ Calming the Canines ” in 2022 and thus allow as many dogs as possible to spend the National Day without a moment of anxiety.

Read also: Guide dog changes the life of a little girl with autism spectrum disorder


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