A puppy chained to a doghouse, without water or food, calls for help from passers-by!

Chained outside, a sick and weak puppy could only cry out for help, hoping that a good soul would come and rescue him. An association finally heard his call.

In Puerto Limon , a coastal town in eastern Costa Rica, a poor puppy was held in inhumane conditions by its owner. The latter kept him chained outside day and night, without food or water . The little dog’s only shelter was a niche made of odds and ends.

The young canine suffered from scabies , fungi and a multitude of sores . There was nothing he could do but cry to call for help , Paw My Gosh said .

His ordeal, however, was drawing to a close . When she learned of the terrible situation of this puppy, the team of the animal welfare association Fuerza Animalia hastened to help her.

The volunteers picked him up, then took him to San José , the country’s capital, for treatment.

Cay’s age – as his saviors named him – has been estimated at 6 months . He underwent a full veterinary examination. He had slightly arched legs and a particularly fragile skeleton due to malnutrition . He even broke his shin while playing and had to be operated on afterwards.

Fuerza Animalia staff and vets worked hard to help her heal . Cay was given medicated baths every 3 days to combat scabies and fungus. Treatments were given to him in parallel to treat his other ailments and injuries.

In a few months, considerable progress has been made. His health improved , his hair began to grow back and his paws were getting better and better.

Cay has grown a lot since then. Today he is a healthy , happy and educated dog.

Read also: An unhappy bitch who did not look anyone in the eye and who had never known love regains a taste for life


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