Association steps in and tries to save 13 Shih Tzus left to fend for themselves and used for breeding in an apartment

Last week, an association based in Detroit, Michigan, had to take care of 13 Shih Tzu dogs abandoned in a deplorable state of health and hygiene. The vets were forced to amputate the leg of one of these poor canines, he was in so much pain.

Their nightmare has finally ended , and no one knows, yet, how long it had lasted. 13 dogs were, in fact, discovered extremely neglected on November 4, as reported by WDET . All are of the Shih Tzu breed.

The intervention of the association Rebel Dogs Detroit which took care of them, took place in Brightmoor , a district located in the West of Detroit , in the State of Michigan.

The volunteers were shocked by the condition of the quadrupeds. Juniper Fleming , co-founder of Rebel Dogs Detroit , told WDET that she and her comrades used to deal with difficult situations, but this one was, by far, the most horrific .

It is, in fact, the first time that the association has found itself faced with such a large number of animals to be managed simultaneously. Moreover, the team of Rebel Dogs Detroit had never faced such a degree of abuse .

The association has launched a call for witnesses in the hope of identifying the owner of the dogs. She is also asking for donations to help finance their care and food .

Yesterday Thursday, Rebel Dogs Detroit announced, via its Facebook page, that one of these animals, a dog named Macaroon , had just left the veterinary clinic to join her foster family . She had a leg amputated because she suffered from a dislocated patella and hip dysplasia . The operation had gone perfectly.

Read also: By refusing to leave his deceased owner, he proves that dogs are the most loyal companions (video)


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