Dads first veto the adoption of a dog before becoming their biggest fans. As these photos show us.
When a family wants to adopt a dog, there may be a member who totally rejects the idea. These dads have all banned pets in their homes until they meet the lucky one and become smitten with it.
Here are 8 photos of fathers who first said no to dogs and ended up succumbing to their charm.
1. For a dad who refused to adopt a dog at home, we can say that he has changed his mind and even more than once.
2. The official and indestructible companions of this young father who did not like dogs and did not want to hear about them
3. This father hated dogs, but now he is devoting time every day to walking the dog, alone, in the car.
4. No matter what is on TV, this old man finds the dog much more interesting.
5. This is a family man who used to howl whenever he was told to adopt an animal
6. This man is unable to refuse to share his food with his insatiable Dachshund.
7. The days are much sweeter for this father who appreciates the company of his dog and his cat.
Read also: A dog and a hedgehog who have become the best friends in the world, help their owner to overcome his anxiety
8. The daily bike rides are the joy of the French Bulldog and his owner who has arranged a basket especially for him.