Abandoned inert on the side of the road, this mangy and sick stray dog surprises veterinarians with his will to live!

While everyone believed him dead, a dog found by the side of the road was still breathing and clinging to life with what little strength he had left. Skeletal and suffering from several diseases, he was taken care of by his association.

On the side of one of the roads in Texas, residents found a dog in extremely bad shape . They even thought he was dead . The canine had only skin on the bones , hardly moved and had lost almost all of its hair , reports Animal Channel . Yet, when they approached him, they realized that he was still breathing.

The residents immediately called a local volunteer. Quickly arrived on the scene, the latter took the animal to the veterinarian . The examination revealed the multiple illnesses from which he suffered. Scabies and malnutrition were the most obvious, but there were others, including heartworm disease (heartworm disease) and heart problems . In addition, he was missing several teeth .

Despite everything, the dog had not said his last word. His will to survive was palpable. The vets smelled it.

The quadruped, who received the name Watson , began his treatments . His health was improving day by day and he was starting to wag his tail again .

A few weeks later, Watson was transferred to the shelter of the association Houston K-911 Rescue. Quite quickly, a foster family was found for him. On his arrival in his new home, although temporary, a party was organized in his honor.

Read also: Supported by his family, this dog suffering from a rare disease struggles every day to live normally

The joy that surrounded him, the kindness of the guests and the delicious treats that were offered to him greatly helped him to overcome his shyness and to begin this new stage of his life in the best possible way.


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