Fearful and risking euthanasia in a shelter, this dog with a difficult life even refused the help of his rescuers

Saved from a refuge where he risked euthanasia, an extremely suspicious dog of imposing stature would not allow himself to be examined by the veterinarian, nor even to be groomed. An association and a brand of dog shampoo came to the aid of the volunteer who took care of him.

When Michael , a Pyrenean Mountain Dog / Anatolian Shepherd crossbreed, arrived at a shelter in Palmdale , California, no one knew his past . It was clear, however, that he had had a difficult life . The large canine was very afraid of humans and would not be approached , says People .

The establishment where he was located is one that performs euthanasia on dogs that they are unable to place after a certain period of time. Alas, this was the sad outcome to which Michael , deemed unadoptable , was heading.

However, his fate changed when Rita Earl Blackwell heard about him. A photographer in Los Angeles , she helps animals in shelters find adopters by organizing photoshoots for them . Michael’s story moved her and she decided to do something for him.

The dog was still very fearful when he arrived at Louise Crane’s . It took him several days to accept the leash and collar . When she wanted to make him take a bath , he refused outright. Yet he badly needed it. He also had to be seen by a vet , but that was also shaping up to be impossible due to his posture.

A dog totally transformed after his care and grooming

Louise Crane came into contact with Pride + Groom , a company specializing in dog grooming products. The brand also has a charitable component, donating part of its profits to shelters and helping dogs find families. Its leaders immediately agreed to support Louise Crane in the care of Michael .

Pride + Groom offered him shampoo and paid the vet and grooming costs. Due to his reluctance, Michael was numbed during his vet exam and his stint at the groomer . He came out totally transformed , healthy and sporting a beautiful, clean white dress.

Read also: A heroic dog risks his life to save his owner from a poisonous snake

His attitude also improved over the next few weeks he spent with Louise Crane . Even better ; the ideal family has been found for Michael . He discovered his new home near the mountains, with other dogs and new owners who give him a lot of love .


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