15 weird and hilarious photos of dogs and cats

Dogs and cats remain a mystery to humans who are fond of pets. This is what these photos show.

Pet owners are often split between 2 states by observing them. They are either twisted with laughter or bewildered. Indeed, these creatures are just as strange as they are funny, which makes all their charm.

Here are 15 pictures of cats and dogs, weird and hilarious.

1. Brazilian cats are not like other cats in the world

2. Piano cats exist, but they don’t really play the piano

3. This cat has opted for a plush that is not like the others

4. Cats do not help their owners while they are vomiting

5. A cat outraged that we serve him salad for lunch

6. A cat that looks straight out of a sci-fi movie

7. A cat who rides a sculpted animal hoping that it will start galloping

8. He refused to live with a dog but accepted the doe

9. Is this cat coming out of the groomer? It looks like it, anyway

10. A mise en abyme of a cat who cares nothing

11. The ideal time to groom the dog is when it is stuck in the snow up to its neck.

12. He decided that he would never come out from under the flowers again.

13. A child who will not have been able to play in the park because of the invading cats

Read also: A dog traumatized by his past regains a taste for life thanks to the friendship and support of a cat

14. He would live among the grasses that grow on the sidewalk

15. A sign that cats are divine creatures


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