Decreased myelin function in dogs


canine myelin dysfunction is a genetic abnormality. It can affect the nervous system of animals, especially tremor in infancy.

myelin dysfunction is usually related to myelin dysfunction. These two diseases are congenital diseases that affect the myelination process of central nervous system in dogs. What are the characteristics of low myelination? What are the chances of cure for affected dogs? Low myelination in

dogs, or

puppy syndrome. We mean low myelination, but it also includes congenital tremor or puppy tremor syndrome. You will understand, so the trembling of the dog’s body is its main symptom.

myelin sheath is a substance that protects and isolates nerve fibers. It forms a sheath around neurons so that neural information can be best transmitted to the body. When its structure is good, but its quantity is too small, it is called decreased myelin function. When the myelin structure is abnormal, it is myelin dysfunction.

the transmission of low myelination is genetic because of the gene mutation causing the disease. Some dogs can carry it without showing any symptoms.

susceptible breed

many breeds are known to be susceptible to low myelin function. We can cite Weimar Braque, Samoyed, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Berne shepherd, Stephen Chow and Dalmatian, and golden retriever. Therefore, growers of Weimar and Welsh Springer Spaniel are recommended to test their animals for DNA. In fact, at present, only these two varieties can be screened. This screening allows them to avoid selecting dogs carrying the gene as breeders. How does


symptoms associated with decreased myelin function usually occur in puppies aged 2-3 weeks. These puppies will have

tremor. When they sleep or rest, the tremor will weaken. When they move, they have difficulty in motor coordination (ataxia), and even can’t walk or even stand on their legs. Uncontrolled eye movement (nystagmus) There is no treatment for epilepsy, but the symptoms of

disappear spontaneously. So far, there is no method to treat canine myelin dysfunction. Only symptomatic treatment for seizures begins.


female puppies have a good prognosis and can cure themselves in a few weeks. In contrast, most affected Sami and Welsh Springers develop symptoms throughout their lives. However, the prognosis is worse for most male puppies who die at the age of 3 to 4 months.

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