The spectacular rescue of a dog stranded on a riverbank in front of an overexcited audience

Happy to be able to run free and swim, a female dog dived into a river and found herself trapped on a small mound of dirt and at the foot of a wall. A rescuer unit rescued him in front of many witnesses.

A team of rescuers rescued a dog stranded at the edge of an English coastal river on Tuesday March 30, as reported by Littlehampton Gazette .

It was around 6 p.m. when a family drove to East Beach , on the banks of the River Arun , in West Sussex (South England). Getting out of the vehicle, the 2 dogs ran off towards the stream.

One of them, a female called Pasha , jumped into the river, being surprised by the powerful current. The dog managed to make it back to the opposite shore, but found herself trapped on a tiny patch of land, with tumultuous water on one side and a wall several meters high on the other.

Its owners were in a panic, as a crowd began to gather around. Help was called and 20 minutes later a unit from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), an aquatic rescue service, arrived on the scene aboard a zodiac.

Very quickly, the rescuers were able to reach the dog and recover her safely, before returning her to her relieved masters. All to the encouragement and applause of the audience.

Read also: This Saint Bernard spent his life in a refuge, starts a new life in a loving home (video)

As containment eases and the weather improves, more people are visiting Littlehampton’s beautiful beaches. The Arun is a fast flowing river and we advise you to keep dogs under close surveillance in its surroundings, ”said Jon Prater of Littlehampton RNLI after the operation.


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