These dogs did things they seem to regret (video)

Here is a compilation of footage showing dogs doing all kinds of nonsense and appearing to be remorseful at their disgruntled owners. Besides, is it really remorse or something else?

Shy eyes, ears pulled back, compulsive licking of the lips … Lilly shows all the signs of the discomfort felt by someone who has just been caught in the act . The adorable dog we see at the start of the video below had the bad idea of tearing up the Christmas presents . Obviously, she didn’t want to wait until the morning of December 25 to find out what was under the pretty wrappings.

The same goes for Willow , who has found nothing better to do than dislodge a beautiful plant from its pot and put soil everywhere. We also see a dog having completely destroyed his master’s slipper, another who has gutted a pillow or a fellow creature having overturned a trash can.

The compilation is touching and quite funny at times, because the attitudes that dogs have are both surprising , but also so common . We have all experienced this situation at one time or another with our 4-legged companions. But have we always reacted the right way ?

Scolding the dog is useless , if only because this sanction often comes well after the incident and the animal does not necessarily make the connection . Exactly like a puppy who has not yet acquired cleanliness and who is reprimanded because he peed on the carpet.

We let you discover this series of sequences where dogs have made mistakes and do not seem really proud of it

Read also: A Labrador forms a tender friendship with a lamb saved by its owner (video)


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