Trio of dogs manage to steal table scraps using acrobatic method (Video)

Unity is strength. The 3 dogs in question here understood this well when it came to satisfying their gluttony. However, the outcome of this little maneuver did not benefit everyone.

Line Fatland Frøystad is a dog trainer. She lives in Norway with her 6 dogs : 4 Border Collies by the names of Harley , Henry , Janis and Kylie , an 8 month old Welsh Corgi Cardigan called Hugo , as well as a Podengo dog named Jolie .

Among them, there is a trio who are regularly noticed by their jokes on the Instagram account dedicated to them: funnybubbledogs . It is made up of Harley , Henry and Hugo .

Recently, they have made a name for themselves by wanting to reach for the leftovers of a meal from their mistress, as reported by the New York Post . The dish was placed on the stove and the 3 gourmet canines chose to unite their efforts to put their paws on it. Their strategy was particularly well established and effective; Harley and Henry acted as a footstool for Hugo the Corgi, who thus jumped on their backs and was able to feast.

However, Hugo “betrayed” his 2 friends by eating alone, without thinking of sharing with them. Yet without them, this short-legged dog would never have been able to do it. We can imagine the disappointment of Harley and Henry

Remember that it is not at all recommended to give leftovers to your dog , because the food we eat is not necessarily adapted to his needs. It can even be harmful for him because of its high fat content, salt and sugar in particular. Without forgetting the dangerous foods for dogs which can compose these menus: avocado, mushrooms, onion, garlic, dairy products, chocolate …

Here is a video showing the whole scene:

Read also: The moving tribute of the firefighters for Cartouch, a Border Collie who saved many lives


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