With terminal cancer, this dog discovers the happiness of being adopted by a woman who will give him everything he can dream of!

Theo’s story shows the cruelty of some people as much as the greatness of others. This dog doesn’t have much longer to live because of the disease, but the woman who took him in made sure he was as happy as possible.

It was in the parking lot of a supermarket that Theo , an elderly and sick dog , was discovered by animal control services in the town of Joliet , Illinois. The Golden Retriever was then entrusted to the association BAARK Dog Rescue, who discovered he was suffering from terminal cancer, as reported by Animal Channel. The organization brought in one of its members, Jenny Leech , who used to take in senior dogs.

The volunteer agreed to take care of it without hesitation. She was determined to ensure that Theo had a happy end of life . The latter has therefore joined his pack of 10 dogs, with whom he takes full advantage of each new day he is given to live.

At 12 years old, having cancerous nodules in the abdomen which made him suffer terribly, Theo however intends to have fun and be happy to the end. For this, he can count on Jenny Leech , who gives him unlimited love and takes care of him as if he were his own child.

His adopted mom regularly updates on him on Facebook. In a recent video , Theo can be seen peacefully asleep alongside Izzy the cat and his favorite toy , a stuffed octopus.

Read also: To avoid euthanasia to her severely paralyzed Shih Tzu, a woman tries unconventional treatment


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