18 photos taken by Basenji enthusiasts

Basenji owners lovingly share photos of their dogs. This selection illustrates the charm of this breed that few people know.

Basenji dogs are not the best known. Yet they have everything going for them and everything to please. They are discreet, sociable and have a tremendous ability to adapt. This is what these owners of Basenji dogs testify by sharing photos illustrating their daily life.

Here are 18 beautiful photos of Basenji dogs taken by their owners.

1. Very lively and playful dogs that must be educated from an early age

2. Their pointy ears make them very recognizable

3. They are very social with other animals

4. Like all dogs, they love to climb on their owners’ beds.

5. A Basenji dog with his friend the senior Golden Retriever

6. An adorable little ball of fur that will not leave anyone indifferent

7. A funny posture to watch the comings and goings of the neighbors

8. They are brave dogs that will make great companions.

9. They will also claim the right to sit on the sofa

10. Roll up in the blanket and fall asleep warm

11. Basenji dogs and children get along pretty well, but as with any breed of dog, they should never be left alone unattended.

12. He is a dog who lives very well in an apartment, but also requires activity. Going to the swimming pool is not a refusal for him

13. He also likes to enjoy playing moments outdoors

14. He patiently waits for his bowl to be filled.

15. Like this quartet

16. He supervises the arrival of his owner, from his car to the front door

Read also: World Dog Day: 5 reasons why the dog is man’s best friend

17. The campaign also suits them very well

18. It’s time for the treasure hunt, or rather the bone hunt


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