22-year-old dives into cold river waters to rescue dog at risk of drowning after 100-meter drift

A young Morbihannais braved the cold waters and the current of the Blavet to rescue a dog that risked drowning there. The animal had been adrift for tens of meters and no one among the people trying to help it had managed to bring it back to dry land.

On December 8, the owner of a Bulldog met the young man who had saved his 4-legged companion from drowning the day before to express his gratitude . 3 days later, Anthony Le Gohlisse , apprentice assistant charge d’affaires, was received by the mayor of his town, Hennebont (56), who thanked him for his bravery .

Anthony had, in fact, shown courage by diving into the cold water of the Blavet river, in order to rescue the animal in distress, reports ActuMorbihan . On the morning of Sunday, December 6, he was heading home after doing his Christmas shopping, when he saw several people bustling about on the edge of the stream and throwing a lifeline .

He then joined them, discovering that a dog was struggling in the river. The quadruped had been adrift for a hundred yards. “ There was a lot of current because the Blavet was in ebb tide ,” the Hennebontais told ActuMorbihan . Despite the danger and the water at 8 to 10 ° C , he decided to dive.

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He managed to catch up with the canine which, struggling, scratched his face and injured his lip. Subsequently, rather than struggling in vain against the current, he let himself be carried away to cling to a mooring. There, the people who were on the bank managed to bring him up by means of a lifebuoy.

Slightly hypothermic , Anthony was taken to the care of the firefighters , who warmed him up and took him to the hospital where his lip was treated.


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