Dog missing for 5 days is found trapped inside the walls of a house (video)

A dog from Ohio, a state in the Midwestern United States, has given its owner a fright. And for good reason: the animal disappeared for almost a week, before being found within the walls of the house!

No family should have to go through the stress of losing their beloved pet. Unfortunately, this type of incident sometimes happens. A resident of Cincinnati can attest to this.

His dog, named Gertie , was not found for 5 days. Did she run away from home? Did she follow a stranger? Nothing of the sort…

After many hours of waiting and anguish, her owner heard crying behind the garage wall. She immediately contacted the fire department.

© Cincinnati Fire Department

The firefighters had to break the wall

What a shock to discover the canine stuck between 2 walls! No one knows how Gertie came to find herself in such an unusual situation … Anyway, she had to be saved from this terrible trap.

Once on the scene, the firefighters deployed their equipment. The only way to root out the inaccessible animal was to pierce the wall. Members of the town’s fire department videotaped the rescue operation. The video shows a professional using a hammer to carefully knock down the wall.

After giving a few knocks and calling the bitch, the latter stuck her head out. Her liberator then helped her out.

Gertie was then taken to safety and returned to her mistress, relieved of the happy outcome of this mishap. At the end of the sequence, we can also contemplate the happy reunion between the 2 friends.

According to NBC News , the survivor is doing well.

Read also: A veteran decides to adopt a dog without ears living thousands of kilometers away


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