9 dog behavior that may be related to psychological disorders

Illustration : "9 comportements canins pouvant être liés à des troubles psychologiques"

if you find that your dog’s behavior has changed significantly, please feel free to take him or her to the veterinarian to find a suitable solution.


1. He spent hours trying to catch his tail. He has a poor appetite. He frightened the other four people. He often and compulsively licks himself. He suffers from seasonal depression. He slept too much. His tail stopped moving. He’s chasing shadows, including his number 9. He began to chew the clothes of

, because we humans and our friend dogs will also develop mental and psychological diseases, so we need treatment. These diseases not only affect their quality of life, but also affect their interaction with the environment.


are explained by Laurel Brightman in his book animal Madness: how anxious dogs, forced parrots and elephants help us understand ourselves in rehabilitation (literally: “animal Madness: how anxious dogs, parrots and compulsive elephants help us understand ourselves”)

the authors identified some symptoms and manifestations that may reflect internal disorders in dogs. Here are 9 examples…

1. He spent hours trying to grab his tail.

sometimes we find our dog turning around when trying to grab his tail. This is a well-known normal behavior, but if it continues, it will become worrying. It may be obsessive-compulsive disorder or anxiety disorder.

2. His loss of appetite

the severe loss of appetite may be a manifestation of your dog’s depression. Anxiety may also be the cause.

3. It scares away other

Aggressive dogs are not bad in nature. Aggression may be caused by past trauma, lack of socialization and education. It may also be a special fear or insecurity or threat.

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frequently and forcibly Dogs that often lick wildly in specific areas may do so because of anxiety. Of course, physical injuries must be eliminated in advance.

5. It suffers from seasonal depression

Yes, some dogs also go into depression when the sun is gone when winter comes.

6. He sleeps too much

Dogs sleep well, especially dogs and the elderly. However, if you find that your adult, healthy partner sleeps more than usual, he may suffer from some form of depression.

7. His tail no longer swings

If your dog’s tail doesn’t usually move as before, it may be a sign of discomfort at home.

8. He’s chasing shadows, including his

Chasing shadows, especially his own, may be a manifestation of compulsive behavior. He needs more stimulation or care.


also read: controlling a eating dog

and 9. He began to chew his clothes

If your dog starts eating your food and clothes overnight, it may be an obsessive-compulsive disease. Lack of activity, loneliness and boredom exacerbate the problem.

Illustration : "9 comportements canins pouvant être liés à des troubles psychologiques"0″

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