Rendezvous this weekend of September 18 and 19 for the Woof Run, the long-awaited event by dog sports enthusiasts

The Woof Run will take place next weekend. The opportunity for dog and dog sports enthusiasts to live a unique experience in a superb area of Oise just 45 minutes north of Paris.

Nearly 1,000 participants and more than 6,000 visitors are expected on the weekend of 18 and 19 September 2021 at Castle Bertichères in Chaumont-en-Vexin (60) for the 4th edition of the Run Woof. D-Day is fast approaching.

Races and activities will punctuate this weekend promising to be unforgettable

In a few years, it has risen to the rank of unmissable event for lovers of canines and dog sport. Woopets is also very happy to be one of the most loyal partners since its very first edition. The Inlandsis obstacle course and canicross, an event affiliated with the Federation of Canine Sports and Leisure , will be the highlights of this event, but the Woof Run also has a variety of activities and workshops.

If registration for the races is closed, access to visitors will be open and free (only the health pass will be requested at the entrance) to allow them to discover the large village. This friendly space and resolutely turned towards the wonderful world of our 4-legged friends will be animated by exhibitors working in various specialties: dog food, accessories, new technologies …

Solidarity march in favor of associations

One of the key moments of this 2021 edition of the Woof Run will also be the solidarity walk. An initiative intended to support animal protection associations associated with the event, such as Solidarité Peuple Animal , Action Protection Animale and Gamelles Pleines .

Woopets will of course be present as a partner for this 2021 Woof Run.

For more information, visit the official website and Facebook page dedicated to this event.

Read also: She accidentally rolls over her dog, who disappears for 24 long hours

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