The tender affection of 2 abandoned dogs who met in foster care

Having met in foster care, 2 Greyhounds who had been forced to leave their respective families became inseparable. These dogs are so attached to each other that the association that took care of them tries to get them adopted together.

Recently arrived at Battersea Cats and Dogs Home in London , TJ was getting extremely nervous. This 9-year-old Saluki did not understand why his family had decided to separate from him and he was having trouble adjusting to his new environment, says Metro .

The volunteers then had the idea of placing her in a foster family, who had already been taking care of a female Greyhound since January. The dog in question, called Coral and aged 7, had to leave her former owner who, too old, could no longer take care of her.

From the moment they met, TJ and Coral got along wonderfully. They quickly became the best friends in the world and began to indulge together in all daily activities: games in the garden, naps …

Battersea Cats and Dogs Home

They look very similar, but each has their own character. Coral always takes the lead, while TJ is more timid. Their personalities complement each other, in a way. Above all, TJ seems clearly appeased thanks to Coral’s presence.

Battersea Cats and Dogs Home

To read also: The friendship between a dove and a puppy who offers him walks on his back (video)

Battersea Cats and Dogs Home

They are an incredibly sweet couple and deserve to live happily ever after, together, in a loving home ,” continues the volunteer, who remains optimistic about the chances of finding a family for them.


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