A lost dog is recovered and then sold by a homeless man. Her family finds her 300 kilometers from her home!

Plymouth Police – PLYMSort / Twitter

Luna has experienced a hell of a misadventure, which she and her family are not about to forget. After getting lost, the dog was sold by a homeless man.”

The 9-month-old animal had disappeared in the London Borough of Camden on August 3. Its owners, devastated, launched a distress call on social networks in order to find their beloved 4-legged companion. Fortunately, this approach has borne fruit. But what they discovered about him stunned them.” The female Cockapoo, a breed of dog from crosses between English Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, was found by a homeless man who sold her in a pub 300 kilometers from the place of her disappearance.”

Plymouth Police – PLYMSort/Twitter

Luna will soon join her family

Many homeless people have been approached in the Camden neighborhood and one of them knew the man who had recovered Luna, police officer Kath Arroll told PlymouthLive. Once the individual was spotted and contacted, he went to the Plymouth police station himself where he explained that he had sold the animal at an establishment on Union Street, the Firkin Doghouse. Other testimonies helped investigators locate the buyer, Mirror reports.

Agent Kath Arroll went to pick up Luna and took her to the vet for a small medical check-up. She is fine, the family will pick her up in the coming days. I spoke to the daughter of the couple who owns Luna and she told me they were overjoyed,” the policewoman said. It’s good to be able to give good news right now,” she added.

Read also: An owner amused when he discovers that his English Bulldog understands only the Spanish

On April 12, a one-year-old Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua crusader was stolen by a homeless man in Paris. Her owner had also turned to social media, where she had posted multiple search notices. The canid was found 4 days later… 800 kilometers from his home.”

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