Teach his dog to claim to meet their needs

Illustration : "Apprendre à son chien à réclamer pour faire ses besoins dehors"

clean learning is an important step in dog life. This kind of learning is usually carried out for the first time after adoption. The reason is very simple and good, because collecting garbage at home is never a pleasant thing! However, how can we make his dog understand that in order to get out of trouble, he must ask


a learning age? Learning cleaning teaches him how to ask for rewards at a learning age?

has no learning age, not even the age of learning cleanliness. This is a very important step for you and your dog. When he is very young, learning is easier for the dog to understand. You can say that he is a learning sponge. When the dog grows up, education is always possible, but sometimes it takes longer.

cleaning learning

there are some key moments in the day when the dog eliminates his needs, so you must imitate these moments to teach him cleaning.

wake up: when the dog wakes up, Get out There’s no time to comb our hair or choose clothes. We have to go out. Food: after dinner, the dog immediately began to do his own thing. Games: games or stimuli stimulate dogs and promote elimination.

you have understood that like a dog’s life, you must be prepared!

don’t wait until you see the warning signal: the dog is spinning… You must walk fast and hardly wake up, or jump out once the game phase is over! If you have to dress, fasten your belt and go downstairs, because you live on the fifth floor, it’s usually too late…

teaches him how to ask

, which is not all, but you must teach him how to ask and predict; Not easy. So far, you have exceeded these needs, and now it’s time for him to take the first step.

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. Usually, this learning is almost automatic because the dog realizes that you are happy when he handles it outside and you give him a reward.

You can also adjust your dog and teach him to leave when needed. This is the principle of a clock. For example, you install a clock near the front door. Every time you pull the dog out to meet its needs, you will ring the bell. Dogs will assimilate, such as jingle, go out and pee. So after a few weeks, he will want to ring the bell to show that he wants to go out.

note that some dogs may play with this device and decide to press the bell when he wants to go out, even if it’s just for walking or chasing the neighbor’s cat! The education of


dogs is basically realized through rewards; But rewards don’t necessarily mean candy. On the contrary, we are talking about positive reinforcement. When the dog performs commands correctly or takes the right attitude, you will congratulate it.

candy is still the simplest and simplest method for dogs – it is best to make small candy for education, not sausage, Cake or other- Then, over time, candy gave way to caress and verbal encouragement.


also read: educate his dog to click


, and you should do a lot without hesitation! The more your dog relates your satisfaction to his needs outside, the more motivated he is. Punishment (although sometimes it may be)Your dog may have a negative impact on your behavior. When you see you angry, it will shrink back.

catch you and think positively! “Kdspe

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