CHUU, a podcast 100% dedicated to dogs to fill up on useful information

Illustration : "CHUU, un podcast 100% dédié au chien pour faire le plein d’informations utiles" © chuu_podcast

Dog lover, Maud shares her passion through her podcast CHUU. Various specialists from the canine world intervene to present the breeds and aspects of the dog’s life, in a tone that is both serious and light.”

Are you considering adopting a dog and wondering which one would be best suited to your profile and lifestyle? Maud and CHUU, her podcast entirely dedicated to the planet dog, are here to guide you.”

A dog breed is presented every month to help you stock up on information about it and guide you to the best possible choice, both for you and for your future 4-legged companion. The goal of the show is that cohabitation takes place in the best way, for a lasting and harmonious master-dog relationship.”

The CHUU podcast gives the floor to a variety of speakers, individuals and professionals who share their experience and passion around the world of dogs. They deal with all aspects of the animal’s life, from health to nutrition and education.”

The information is presented in a style combining seriousness and lightness, for optimal understanding.”

The show’s podcats are available on the Apple Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Eeko and Ausha platforms. All these links can be accessed by clicking here.”

To read also: The big emotion of an 82-year-old retiree who finds his dog 3 months after his abduction!”

CHUU podcast, it is also an Instagram page followed by nearly a thousand subscribers and where you can regularly discover all the news.”

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