Dog enostos

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dogs are also prone to diseases that sometimes make them suffer. Since it is impossible to explain what hurt them, as a master, you must pay attention to their behavior. We will explain its origin, symptoms and treatment.

definition of dog osteoporosis

dog osteoporosis, also known as eosinophilic periostitis, is a self limiting disease that affects the long bones of growing dogs (5 to 15 months old). Bone marrow is affected first and then bone.

this disease may also affect other (non long) bones with sufficient bone marrow. Males are more susceptible than females.

susceptible variety

large variety is most prone to osteoporosis. However, it can also be found in small dogs. Among the large breeds, we mentioned mastiff, Rottweiler, St. Bernard, German dog, golden retriever, Labrador, Doberman, German shepherd, Belgian shepherd, English Bulldog…

in the small breeds, we mentioned Schnauzer and Scottish Terrier.

and other similar diseases

Please do not confuse osteoporosis with

hip dysplasia (hip dysplasia): forelimbs will not be damaged and claudication will worsen over time. Anatomical osteochondritis of shoulder; Dysplasia of elbow joint: no injury of hind limb, claudication aggravated with time. Osteoporosis secondary to leishmaniasis: leishmaniasis should be diagnosed and treated first to solve the clinical symptoms. Bone infarction; Bone tumor: the diagnosis will be made by palpation and X-ray, but the prognosis and treatment will be very different, because the tumor will not relapse. If it is malignant, it can be transferred to other organs. The etiology of osteoporosis in dogs is unclear. However, various hypotheses about the possible origin of this disease remain to be studied. Osteoporosis can be caused by diseases that cause coagulation disorders (bone marrow-related), such as vascular hemophilia or hemophilia. Stress and viral infections can also cause panniculitis. Some studies have also shown that osteoporosis is related to foods with high protein content, because it will lead to bone marrow edema, resulting in increased pressure and ischemia, leading to periosteal reaction. The clinical symptom of osteoporosis in

dogs is

Osteoporosis symptoms in dogs may involve multiple regions at the same time, but they may also transfer from one region to another. The forelimbs are usually the most affected (ulna, radius and humerus), although the femur and tibia may also be affected. Eosinophilic periostitis causes complete claudication of the limbs due to pain and inability to stand. Pain can be like this. Dogs may have high fever (fever) and depression in general. The diagnosis of osteoporosis in

dogs requires X-ray examination. It should be noted that there is no direct relationship between the severity of clinical symptoms and the severity of X-ray images, that is, dogs with more periosteum may have few clinical symptoms. A kind of bone fiber tissue replaces hematopoietic bone marrow, so it will appear more dense on X-ray. (IV)More obvious lesion contour, showing periosteal reaction. Although the radioactive opaque plaque gradually disappeared, the bone marrow opacity still existed. There is no specific treatment for osteoporosis in

dogs. The disease will subside naturally. However, your veterinarian may prescribe some pain relief drugs: first, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the animal does not respond to the first drug, it will take corticosteroids. You shouldn’t use too much exercise to stimulate the animal and let it rest during the pain attack. If the protein content in the animal’s diet is too high, the diet should be reconsidered or appropriate biscuits should be used

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