9 out of 10 French people pay attention to what their dogs and cats eat, but misunderstandings persist

Illustration : "9 Français sur 10 font attention à ce que mangent leurs chiens et chats, mais des méconnaissances persistent"

A recent study commissioned by Purina, a famous petfood brand, revealed that the vast majority of French people were attentive to the contents of the bowl of their dogs and cats. It also tells us that a quarter of those surveyed admitted to knowing nothing about pet food.”

Purina had launched, almost 2 years ago, the platform #YAQuoiDansSaGamelle, with the aim of allowing owners of dogs and cats to fill up on information about what their 4-legged friends should eat. Concretely, it offers about fifty questions / answers from experts around the composition of food, needs and environmental issues related to pet food.”

It is because the petfood brand of reference had already perceived a lack of information with the public. A finding that has only been confirmed at the end of a study whose results were recently unveiled by Purina. Conducted by Oxoda between October 30 and November 6, 2019, it consisted of interviewing 1005 French owners of dogs and / or cats about their knowledge of the diet of the latter.”

While 91% said they pay attention to what their companions eat, a quarter admitted that they did not know their nutritional needs precisely. Nevertheless, 86% said they adapt meals to their pet’s profile: age, activity, weight, breed…

Nearly 2 thirds (64%) say they systematically read the composition of the food products they buy for their dogs and cats. The same percentage say they want more natural, organic and additive-free food for their animals and almost half are primarily looking for products made in France.”

Still up to 64%, the French confide to give the remains of their meal to their animal. A practice that is, of course, strongly discouraged.”

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Finally, on the side of the main sources of food information to which respondents say they refer, these place the veterinarian in the lead (61%), followed by the packaging of products (37%) and the Internet (25%).”

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