She works in a coffee shop and takes pictures of all the dogs she crosses in their car

You can work in a drive-in and, at the same time, cross dozens of dogs every day. This is the message conveyed by Charity . This woman, a great lover of canines, never hesitates to photograph and spoil those who pass in front of her window with their owner. What, even, to have its small habits with certain dogs.

Charity Jesionowski is a fulfilling woman at her work. Not because she’s doing the dream job. But because every day she can cross countless animal heads . Dogs who, in their owner’s car, never hesitate to step out of the cabin .

I live in a very dog friendly area, I see about 30 dogs a day, ” she tells The Dodo. No, Charity does not work as a secretary in a veterinary practice . She is simply a saleswoman in a coffee shop and is in charge of the drive-in .


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