Dog helps his water-scared best friend retrieve his toy so he can have some fun (video)

Despite being a Golden Retriever, Charlee doesn’t like getting wet too much and is therefore desperate when her toy is in the water. Fortunately, she can count on her friend Yuma to get it back. The 2 bitches, whose masters are a woman and her son, adore each other.

Charl ee and Yuma are the best friends in the world. They have liked each other since their very first meeting and are always delighted to meet again.

At home, Yuma isn’t the type to share her toys. Not even with Charlee , despite the beautiful friendship that unites them. On the other hand, when she is at the water’s edge with her friend, her attitude is totally different.

Charlee hates swimming. This is not common among Golden Retriever, who are generally comfortable in the water and good swimmers. When a toy or stick she covets is in the water, she just observes it from land with a look of despair and frustration. This is where Yuma comes in .

Read also: An owner amused when he discovers that his English Bulldog only understands Spanish

Darcy Michael does not hide his admiration for the behavior of his dog: “ It’s so adorable. You can’t help but [at times like this] think that we don’t deserve the dogs, ”he says.


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