Japanese Spitz

Other names: Nihon Suppitsu, Japanese Spitz

3.4 / 5
13 reviews

The Japanese Spitz is a robust dog, small in size, easily recognizable by its abundant white coat and triangular, pointed ears, characteristic of the Spitz type. Harmoniously and solidly built, the Japanese Spitz is distinguished by its appearance combining nobility, elegance and liveliness.



Photo: Japanese Spitz breed dog on Woopets
Hair type Long
Origin Japan
Template Small
Head shape Oval
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 6 kg to 10 kg From 28 cm to 36 cm
Male From 6 kg to 10 kg From 30 cm to 38 cm
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History of the breed

Most historical sources agree that the Japanese Spitz is a descendant of the great white German Spitz. The resemblance between the 2 races is, indeed, quite obvious. The German ancestor of the Japanese Spitz was brought to Japan in 1920, notably passing through Siberia and northeastern China.

After being exhibited for the first time in Tokyo in 1921, the breed gradually benefited from contributions from North American, Australian and Chinese Spitz until the interwar period. The Japanese Kennel Club established the unified standard in 1948, then the breed was definitively recognized by the FCI on April 22, 1964.

Japanese Spitz Pictures

Photo of Masud, Japanese SpitzPhoto of Happy, Japanese SpitzPhoto of Flocon, Japanese SpitzPhoto of Sabina, Japanese SpitzPhoto of Minnie, Japanese SpitzPhoto of

View all Japanese Spitz photos from Woopets members

Physical features

His coat: long, abundant, straight and wide apart, with a short, dense and soft undercoat.
Its color: pure white.
His head: moderately large and rounded, proportionate to the body, with the forehead moderately developed and the posterior part of the skull larger. The stop is marked.
His ears: triangular, pointed, small in size, set high, well erected and facing forward.
His eyes: dark, almond shaped, slightly sloping and moderately large.
His body: well proportioned, with a high withers, a straight and short back, a wide lumbar region and a well let down chest.
Its tail: of moderate length, set high, abundantly covered with hair and carried on the back.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

The Japanese Spitz is a lively, alert, jovial and intelligent dog. He knows how to show affection towards his master and his family, while being rather reserved towards strangers. It is also only when he considers that a stranger has approached a little too close to the house that he begins to bark. In this, the Japanese Spitz is considered an excellent companion dog. It remains quite discreet and silent. The opposite would be inconsistent with the FCI breed standard. He also gets along quite well with children. Obedience is not his strong point, however.

The Japanese Spitz must be educated in a firm manner, as he may have a tendency to want to assert his character and be not very docile. His intelligence and his taste for the game are all entry points to exploit during his education.

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Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

The Japanese Spitz is able to withstand the cold, but it particularly likes life indoors, with the family. He appreciates human contact just as much as outdoor activities. It can thus adapt to all living conditions, whether urban or rural. A fenced outdoor space in which he can move freely and play his role as a warning dog is never too much for this type of dog. He is quite independent.


Ease of gaining weight

The Japanese Spitz is a generally healthy dog. He doesn’t really fear the cold, but prefers to live indoors. Regular monitoring and adequate nutrition ensure good health.

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size


To protect you from these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends Japanese Spitz dog insurance .

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Life expectancy

The life expectancy of a Japanese Spitz is, on average, less than 0 years.

Calculate the human age of your Japanese Spitz!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

The Japanese Spitz remains subject to an annual moult. Despite its abundant coat, moulting does not cause hair loss that is difficult to clean, since it usually takes the form of balls. It is a relatively easy to maintain dog.

An active and playful dog, the Japanese Spitz needs daily outings and exercises to stay happy, balanced and fulfilled. These outings are all opportunities to strengthen ties with your owner.

It is recommended to brush the dog every day to keep the coat and skin clean. His eyes and ears should be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis to prevent possible deposits of impurities.

Price and budget

Purchase price

700 €
1200 €

The purchase price of a Japanese Spitz is between 700 € and 1200 €.

Annual maintenance cost


The annual maintenance cost of a Japanese Spitz is between NC and NC.

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play


Classifications & Standards
(AKC) American Kennel Club
(ANKC) Australian National Council Kennel
(CKC) Canadian Kennel Club
(FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale
(KC) The Kennel Club
(NZKC) New Zealand Kennel Club
(UKC) United Kennel Club


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

We talk on the forum

A Japanese spitz is good for children from 10 to 12 years old

Guest message

Japanese spitz x shiba inu

Message from Ange Lottier

Japanese Spitz: Cage and playpen size

Message from Nicolas Gay

My German Spitz bitch is expecting little ones!

Message from Bella08

Questions about the reproduction of the Spitz?

Message from Lisa Rea

Do you have a question about the Japanese Spitz?
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