Man horrified by discovery of 2 puppies locked in aquarium and abandoned in forest

A few years earlier, Matt Williamson made a shocking discovery in Hinds County, Mississippi. 2 small dogs were trapped in aquariums sealed with cement, and abandoned in the middle of the woods.

How long have the puppies been there? Who committed this cruel act? No one knows. “ They sent them here to drown. They wanted these puppies to drown, ”said shocked Matt Williamson. When he saw them, the Good Samaritan took immediate action by calling the Mississippi Animal Rescue League.

Volunteers quickly arrived at the scene to free the prisoners, Animal Channel reports. They then took them to safety to give them the affection and care they needed.

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The puppies were scared and suspicious

As they were mistreated, the canines were terrified. They were suspicious of the staff at the center who picked them up.

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The survivors have always remained huddled together, refusing to be separated. Apart from a slight fever, certainly caused by stress, their health was found to be good, much to the relief of the healers.

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A new start

Over time, the puppies came out of their shells. After a difficult start to life, they received a wonderful gift: a new family… who adopted them together! Named Roxie and Jackson , they now thrive in their warm home. Today, they have grown up well.

© Mississippi Animal Rescue League

The Glinsky family take them on tons of adventures, and we’re very happy with that. They are super happy and love life, ”said the shelter.

Read also: A puppy abandoned because of a neurological problem receives the support of a devoted couple

© Mississippi Animal Rescue League

If Matt Williamson hadn’t found them, Roxie and Jackson would certainly have died of suffocation. Now they have buried that bad memory forever and are enjoying every precious moment of their existence, alongside their loving owners.


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