Municipal: the place of animals in the hearts of the French

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With a month and a half of the municipal elections, let’s take stock of the commitment of policies in favor of the condition of animals, as well as the expectations of the French in this area.

The next municipal elections will be held on March 15 and 22, 2020 . The question of the rights of animals and their condition seems to occupy a greater place in the speeches and programs of the candidates than in past elections. Associations and actors of animal protection observe with great attention the proposals of politicians and parties to fight against animal suffering.

Voters’ expectations on these points are very high. According to an IFOP survey for L214 Ethics and Animals published in November 2019, 72% of French people find it important that municipal candidates commit to concrete measures in terms of animal protection in their municipality. Also, two thirds of the people questioned within the framework of this survey say they are in favor of the introduction of a daily vegetarian alternative in the school canteens of their municipality.

The condition of wild animals is also one of the issues raised during the municipal campaign. Some people have also welcomed the decision taken on November 15 by the City of Paris to ban shows featuring animals from wild life, including circuses , as reported by Le Parisien . Several associations have welcomed this measure, including Paris Animaux Zoopolis , the Brigitte Bardot Foundation and the 30 Millions d’Amis Foundation . However, it is still necessary, however, that the decision be confirmed at the level of the State, which remains the only judicial authority competent to apply such a ban.

Candidate for municipal elections, the Animalist Party is gaining visibility despite its recent creation. With a promising score in the last European elections (2.2%), the team fully intends to carry its project high in a month and a half. The proposals made by its lists seem to find a rather positive echo with the French. In Toulouse , for example, dog and cat owners obviously welcome Quentin Charoy’s idea of allowing their pets to access public transport .

To read also: They create a pot for the operation of their dog, hoping for a small participation. The scale of the mobilization leaves them speechless

It is clear today that the French who demand tangible progress vis-à-vis these issues constitute a reserve of voices from which politicians have every interest to ogle.


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