My dog barked in the car: what should I do?

Illustration : "Mon chien aboie en voiture : que faire ?"

why does the dog bark in the car? How to prevent this behavior from happening again


my dog barks in the car: why? My dog barked in the car: what should I do? Tip 1: get your dog used to the car tip 2: avoid travel tips that only cause anxiety 3: choose a transport box tip 4: ignore your dog tip 5: keep your dog in the car, which is absolutely avoided

Your dog barks in the car and travel becomes unbearable? Do you want your dog to live more quietly during car travel?

no longer wait and react: there are ways to prevent your dog from barking when the car is driving. The most important thing is to make it live better during the journey.

my dog barks in the car: why?

first, in order to effectively solve the problem, we must find the cause of the problem in order to find a solution suitable for the situation. The following are the main reasons why dogs bark in cars:

barking makes dogs uncomfortable, Car travel anxiety dog barking to attract attention barking is used as a means of intimidating people or vehicles approaching their

space for the reasons described above, Of course, when the dog is locked in the car space, it is an discomfort. It is either too anxious, too depressed, or too goalkeeper. Anyway, there is a way to solve this problem.

my dog barked in the car: what should I do? Tip 1: let your dog have a positive habit of

car. This is a preventive suggestion. All dog owners should apply it immediately after the dog comes home. It is very important that dogs provide short, regular and active trips (games, walks, etc.) from a very young age, so that they can connect cars with pleasant things.

recommendation 2: in many cases, avoid

that only cause anxiety, In the first few months of his new home, the puppy was taken to the vet. In fact, he thinks the car is a negative thing, because the veterinary clinic is often a very anxious place for our dog friends. So be sure to follow tip 1.

receives suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. Learn more tip 3: choose a

transport box, in addition to being a very safe tool for your dog and your travel, if it is provided to the dog in a gradual and positive way from a very young age, Make your dog feel safe while driving.

in addition, put the dog in a box so that he can’t see things that may cause dogs to bark (driving, passers-by, etc.).

suggestion 4: ignore dogs

dogs barking to attract the owner’s attention usually get the reward of the interaction they get, even if it involves the owner’s “no” or “stop” interaction. “Even if this is to ‘scold’ him and make him stop, if your dog takes this behavior to attract your attention, he will still get what he wants.”

ignore his dog. It is important not to talk to him, look at or touch him.

This recommendation must be applied on a daily basisThe interaction between you and your dog so that your relationship can be rebalanced and you can really take the initiative in all contacts.

recommendation 5: if you can’t calm your dog in the car, despite all the suggestions, You can also give him a professional toy during the journey: hole toys, wooden toys, chewing bones, etc.


have the advantage of: don’t hesitate to see Bach’s flowers. They are the elixir of flowers, which can help you rebalance the unstable emotional state of dogs. This is not a drug treatment and will not have any side effects on your animal.

also read: taming a eating dog

But you can also seek advice from your veterinarian and / or dog behavior professionals to help you solve your problems specifically and personalized.

what is absolutely not to caress his dog to appease him (on the contrary, it will increase his discomfort and prove it in his behavior) wear a barking prevention necklace, scold him afterwards, or want to shout, rather than let him be completely free in the car and reduce or even stop driving

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