Recovered in a makeshift camp, these 300 fighting dogs no longer believed in anything

The story of Evan and the 366 other dogs used in combat, rescued by the police and associations, is proof that any animal deserves a chance.

The “ 367 ” affair shocked and moved a lot of people in 2013 in the United States. 367 is the number of rescued dogs , released from camps where they were trained to fight and lived in the worst conditions , in 3 large southern states: Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia.

As reported by The Dodo , the intervention took place after 3 years of investigation. It had been opened by the Alabama police , supported by the FBI and the United States attorney’s office. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) were on scene to evacuate the dogs and care for them at their respective shelters.

The canines were tied to short and heavy chains , surrounded by the corpses of their congeners, infested with intestinal parasites , deficient, injured and kept outside permanently, at the mercy of the weather. In addition to the care, the animals were followed by behaviorists who helped them overcome their trauma.

One of them is called Evan . For him, the transition to normal life was not easy. He stayed behind for a long time in his box of refuge after his rescue. His teeth were so worn and infected , most likely desperately trying to unravel his chain, that the vets had to remove them all. He also suffered from dermatological problems , which are now only a bad memory thanks to the treatments. Evan made it back up the hill and learned to trust humans again.

After the refuge, he was entrusted to a first foster family , that of Mandy and Kevin Malecek , but they had to move . His short stay with the couple, however, went very well. Afterwards, it was Charlie Stephenson , already the owner of a 6-year-old Pitbull named Emmett and a 13-year-old female Dachshund called Penelope , who in turn welcomed him. Here again, the cohabitation went perfectly .

Emmett was instrumental in rehabilitating Evan , who learned a lot from watching and imitating him. Then Charlie Stephenson adopted a female Pitbull, Ivy , with whom Evan became very close . It is therefore a close-knit family that has formed around the quadruped, once mistreated and forced to fight against his fellows.

Ever since the Maleceks finished their move, Evan has visited them often. In fact, his time is almost shared between the 2 houses . He likes one as much as the other. At Mandy and Kevin’s , he also gets along very well with their cat .

Read also: Wounded in the paw, a soldier dog leaves the army and meets his new family during a ceremony in his honor

We are therefore very far from the dog considered dangerous . Evan is even the proof that it is possible to teach a canine to find a peaceful existence , in harmony with those around him. In two words, a happy life , the one that all dogs should be able to aspire to.


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