Running away after a road accident, a dog comes to a farm to express his shepherding skills

Linda Oswald / Facebook

Thrown from his masters’ vehicle in an accident, Tilly immediately ran away to the meadows. His family searched tirelessly for him for 2 days, until they learned that he had found a safe place and even the job of his dreams.

Linda Oswald , her husband Mike and their dog Tilly were in their van on Sunday June 6 at midday when it collided with another vehicle. The accident took place on a highway near Rathdrum , in the state of Idaho (northwestern United States), reports Global News .

Despite the violence of the shock, everyone was unharmed. However, the canine, a 2-year-old Border Collie / Australian Cattle crossbreed, was ejected and panicked and ran away.

Tilly’s owners were extremely worried about him. They searched for him for hours with the help of local residents, but without success. Some of them even continued the research until 2:30 in the morning, with no more success.

Found two days later on a farm

Linda Oswald then launched an appeal on Facebook and promised a reward. It is this post which finally made it possible to find the quadruped.

Tilly , in fact, resurfaced 2 days later on a farm not far from there. The farmers, Travis Potter and his brother Zane , were amazed to see a new member of their group of sheepdogs. The surprise guest even impressed them by bringing back some of their sheep that had strayed from the flock.

Their grandmother, who had seen Linda Oswald’s wanted poster, explained to them that the newcomer was a dog that had gone missing the day before. The Potters watched over him until the local sheriff arrived, who then handed Tilly over to his relieved owners.

Herding dog: a real vocation for Tilly

The behavior displayed by the dog on the farm did not surprise Linda Oswald . She explains, in fact, that Tilly used to try to bring together animals or even people. It’s something he does instinctively and owes his Border Collie and Australian Cattle genes.

She also says that as soon as he got home, Tilly was so thirsty that he ran to the toilet for a drink, which he had never done before. He didn’t even give his masters time to give him his bowl of water.

The most important thing is that the dog is safe and sound again.

Read also: The unique friendship between a rescued stray kitten and a Golden Retriever (video)

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