Saved from a meat factory, this dog thanks his rescuer in a warm way!

Sweety is one of 17 dogs rescued from a Cambodian slaughterhouse by a Frenchman. As soon as she realized she was safe with this man, she stuck to him for a long time.

Michael Chour is originally from Marseille , but it is in Thailand that he lives and carries out his activity, which consists of saving dogs in meat factories . He is also the founder of The Sound of Animals . It intervenes as well in this country as in those surrounding, like Cambodia.

It is precisely in this kingdom bordering Thailand that Michael Chour carried out one of his most moving rescues. On his way to the town of Chomkachek , he discovered a slaughterhouse where dogs were crammed into cages. By negotiating with the owner of the premises, he managed to secure the release of 17 canines , including a bitch he would later call Sweety .

Terrified , Sweety desperately sought comfort. She found him in the arms of Michael Chour . When the dog and her 16 mates arrived in O Smach , where they would briefly stay in a shelter while they were being examined, she huddled against her savior for over an hour and a half . The Marseillais caressed her and spoke to her during all this time to reassure her and make her understand that she had nothing more to fear . After that, she was much more relaxed. “ My heart melted and I couldn’t hold back my tears, ” he told The Dodo .

Also read: A woman goes to a shelter to adopt a dog and finds her dog lost 2 years ago!

Afterwards, Sweety and the other dogs crossed the border to be taken care of at The Sound of Animals shelter in Thailand. Michael Chour and his team took care of them and worked to find adoptive families for them , as they do with all rescued dogs. For Sweety , however, it was different; he decided to adopt it himself , he was so touched by his gentleness and his sensitivity.


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