The firefighters intervene and try to take charge of a dog stranded in the middle of the ocean after a fall of 15 meters!

A dog ended up in the very cold waters of eastern Canada after falling off a cliff. Several firefighters mobilized to help him, but the animal did not make it easy for them.

A dog that fell in the Atlantic was rescued by firefighters and handed over to its owners last weekend, CBC reports.

On the afternoon of Sunday, October 11, the quadruped in question, responding to the name of Roxy , accompanied his masters who were engaged in berry picking in Glace Bay , a town located in Nova Scotia (Eastern Canada). Approaching the coast, the dog ventured a little closer to the cliffs and ended up falling .

After falling 15 meters , the animal found itself in the icy waters of the ocean. Glace Bay Fire Chief John Chant said Roxy then managed to swim and pull himself up onto a small patch of land at the base of the cliff, but then had nowhere to go. It was surrounded, on one side by water, and on the other by the coastline.

Glace Bay firefighters weren’t the only ones called in. At around 5:30 p.m., they were joined by their colleagues from Dominion , Albert Bridge and New Victoria . 2 boats were first deployed. The crews approached the dog and tried to lure him in , but the dog was too scared and refused to join them.

Then, rescuers rappelled from the top of the cliff, but in the meantime, those on board attempted another approach; one donned a float and thermal rescue suit and then walked towards the animal while swimming while tied to the boat. He eventually managed to grab Roxy and get her on board .

The dog was subsequently brought back to dry land . His family, relieved and grateful for the firefighters, was waiting for him on the pier. Roxy suffered no injuries .

To read also: They kidnap a dog, but the thieves change their minds following the touching message from its owners on Facebook!

John Chant reminded dog owners to be careful when visiting sites like this. He said at least 2 people had been killed by falling off the cliffs of Glace Bay in recent years.


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