The incredible start to life of this puppy born without front legs

When he was born, Nubby already presented a peculiarity compared to his siblings. The puppy had no front legs. Never mind for his parents who decided to keep him. They who also had to deal with a major health problem for their protégé. Again, the puppy managed to survive. If he’s not out of the woods yet, he seems to be on the right track.

Nubby is a fighter like you rarely see. A survivor . He survived what many puppies don’t go through in their lifetime. His was hanging by a thread. He crossed the difficulties one by one, to come out even stronger.

None of this would have been possible without the invaluable help of his adoptive parents. Lou and Mark took great care of this canine born without its front legs . When he was born, moreover, the vet even suggested that he be euthanized . Refusal of Lou, who founded Warriors Educate About Rescue, where she teaches courses on how to care for animals. Nubby’s luck was to have fallen into a passionate family.

Faced with the inability of the puppy to feed from his mother , he was hydrated by a bottle . Mark also had to pay attention to the tilt of his little pooch, so that pneumonia caused by poor absorption of milk did not occur. But despite this, at three weeks Nubby fell seriously ill.

An esophageal abnormality

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Nothing is finished, but after five weeks the puppy is still part of the family. Doctors will have to wait to assess the extent of the damage caused by this anomaly. Either way, Nubby takes advantage of the love her parents brought to her to start crawling and playing . Like a puppy who tastes life to the fullest.


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