The story of this miraculous dog cured of severe mange has shaken up animal cruelty laws

Laws that sanction acts of cruelty to animals have just been tightened in Pennsylvania after a dog was rescued from death and made into an emblem.

The story of this Boston Terrier begins on July 4, when a delivery man noticed his tragic situation and alerted animal protection organizations . The dog was on an intensive and inhumane breeding farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was suffering from such a severe scab that the vets thought all that remained was to relieve him of his suffering by euthanizing him .

But fate wanted it otherwise. The dog has recovered and fights against cruelties to animals .

Speranza Animal Rescue and the Dillsburg Veterinay Center took care of the poor animal.

The vets had to proceed in a very delicate way in order to treat the dog who was in so much pain. In particular, they had to feed him themselves so that he regained his strength. It was still just a puppy barely 7 weeks old.

All the credit goes to the beast who fought to stay alive and survive the disease, reports a rescuer at Dodo . He deserves to be given a chance, she writes on social media.

He was baptized Libre .

Libre was cared for and watched closely. Internet users were interested in its history and were indignant that those responsible for this kind of cruelty were not punished.

Janine Guido is the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue and she decided to adopt the miracle dog. Her ambition did not end there, as she launched a campaign to strengthen laws that penalize abuse and violence against animals.

Read also: A family in shock witnesses the return of their cat when they thought they had attended his funeral!

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf agreed with Guido . He had this text signed with his paw , a law rightly called the Free Law.

Today the dog is doing well, lives with a loving family and has helped build a better world for animals.


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