This beautiful friendship between a dog and raccoons will melt your heart! (Video)

The raccoon is classified as a pest and invasive species in France. Yet behind those big balls of gray fur hides an affectionate soul. In the United States, a dog named Chief has become the best friend of a mischievous quartet.

Cheryl Stephen is passionate about animals. She does not hesitate to come to their aid, when they need it.

© Cheryl Stephen

Last year, the American took care of 3 young orphaned raccoons, before releasing them into the wild. Since that day, the brothers and sisters visit him from time to time, especially to enjoy a snack.

One of the mammals even started bringing back their 4 babies, much to Chief’s delight. The dog quickly became attached to them.

© Cheryl Stephen

Perfect playmates

The canine is known for its gentle and affectionate temperament. He has already become the protector of fawns saved by his owner. Today he has bonded with another wild animal. He literally fell in love with raccoons!

© Cheryl Stephen

Although they come from different species, they speak the same language: that of friendship.

Read also: The moving tribute to Sallie, a heroic dog who accompanied soldiers 150 years earlier

The animal friend does not know if this tender friendship will last after the summer. But for now, she says Chief and the baby raccoons are perfect playmates, and they like each other very much.


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