This dog loves sliding: discover his favorite game!

Seeing Leny play her favorite game is a pure moment of happiness. Fortunately, its owner filmed it several times to share these joyful moments with us.

The Golden Retriever is undoubtedly one of the most popular dogs . We appreciate his intelligence and gentleness , but also and above all this teaser side that they can sometimes have.

The latter follow his adventures very closely and impatiently await the new photos and videos that his mother publishes regularly. The sequences that meet the most success are those where Leny practices her favorite sport: sliding downhill

Concretely, the dog places himself at the top of a hill overlooking a road and covered with grass, then stands on the side to let himself slide down, then he runs up the slope to start again. And to see his expression, this game makes him extremely happy . A happiness which is contagious besides. Here it is at work:

Leny also does this exercise when it is snowing :

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Do you want more ? Here’s another video showing him rolling down the mound to the side:


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