This exceptionally gentle dog has already helped his mistress take care of more than 100 kittens!

Three years ago, Maddi Fang became a “foster family”. Since then, she has been taking care of kittens who need constant attention. She can count on her dog Leo , who acts like a big brother to fragile felines.

From the top of her 15,000 followers on Instagram, @Fangfosters is not an influencer like any other. Maddi Fang , whose real name is, shares her experience as a breeder of more than a hundred kittens .

She spends her days caring for and feeding those she has at home. History that they can start their life in good conditions. And Maddi wouldn’t be able to do it without Leo’s aid-benefactor .

Leo the big brother

No, he’s not her boyfriend. But rather his 9-year-old dog . Leo plays the role of perpetual big brother to the little felines. Offering them both hugs , affection and protection . This doggie, adopted almost ten years ago at the Westside German Shepherd Rescue , is very calm . It is therefore not a surprise to see him so comfortable with the little ones.

With the first kitten, moreover, it was love at first sight for Leo , who has been engaged in this hobby for 3 years. Since Maddi became a “ foster family ” in Ventura County ( United States ).

Read also: He travels more than 2,800 kilometers by bike to honor the memory of his beloved dog

Maddi has gained experience and confidence . She no longer hesitates to take care of kittens fresh out of their mother’s womb. And to be attentive to their development 24 hours a day. To feed them and provide them with all the necessary comfort. Well accompanied by a very caring Leo.


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