Two worried vets capture stray dog with misshapen face to save his life

In India, volunteers were forced to capture a stray dog that needed urgent treatment. The quadruped suffered, in fact, from an enormous abscess which disfigured him. Today, all this is only a bad memory for the animal, thanks to the association which rescued it.

When he contacted the Animal Aid Unlimited, based in Udaipur in western India, about a stray dog rescue, they had been talking of an animal head swollen. The team was far from suspecting the gravity of the situation, however, says The Dodo .

Upon arriving at the scene, the volunteers discovered a canine with a misshapen face . The swelling was clearly causing him pain and suffering . He had to be taken care of quickly to relieve him of his pain.

However, the dog did not make it easy for them. If he had come towards them wagging his tail and not showing the slightest aggression, he was still wary of them. He accepted the food they gave him, but recoiled with each attempt to approach or when they sought to touch him.

So they had no choice but to immobilize it using a net . After calming him down by petting him and talking to him, they took him to the premises of Animal Aid Unlimited .

There the vets were able to examine it. They discovered that the dog had a large abscess on the left side of the head. To operate on him , they first had to put him to sleep. The area was then shaved and drained , and the wound was disinfected and stitched up .

A few days later, the animal was unrecognizable . He had regained a normal aspect and his zest for life . The pain was gone and it showed in his attitude.

Read also: A teacher captures the attention of students by leading online lessons with the dog she adopted

The remarkable work of the people Animal Aid Unlimited has allowed it to resume a peaceful existence .


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