What does his dog want to eat?

Illustration : "Quelles croquettes choisir pour son chien ?" and

have many different brands and product lines. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right dog. This will depend on his age, activity and health.

summary the advantages and disadvantages of

croquet. Choose the croquet that suits your dog’s

characteristics from the dog owner, Many people prefer snacks or dry industrial food to household rations (homemade food) and wet industrial food (canned or fresh bags). This is a practical, comprehensive and relatively economic argument. However, you must be careful to choose the croquet that best suits your dog. To help you do this, here are some things you need to know. The advantages of


when the quality is good, snacks can ensure that your partner gets a comprehensive and balanced diet. They are designed to ensure their daily intake of all nutrients, especially protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals…


dry food is a particularly practical choice. It saves the effort and time required to prepare family rations. In addition, this is often a lower cost option. Generally speaking, the price of snacks is between 5-10 euros / kg.


finally, they are well packed and can be easily stored and stored for a long time. The disadvantages of

snacks are as mentioned above. Snacks are a kind of dry food. Although this is of great benefit to their protection, be careful to provide your dog with a clean and fresh water source so that he can quench his thirst at will.


should also pay attention to the number of meals. Croquet is an important energy concentration. You are easily deceived and give more than you need. Many owners will soon “feel frustrated for their dog” because they only feed one food. It is easy to fall into the over distribution of “next door” to have fun such as tableware leftovers and a piece of butter pie, A piece of cheese… In addition to the bad habits that dogs may develop when eating, it will also directly lead to overweight and even obesity.

in general, biscuits are often less attractive than family rations and wet food. It may be more difficult for a dog who is used to eating other things to eat snacks.

finally, if the daily nutritional intake is evenly covered by high-end snacks, unfortunately, this is not the case with “low-cost” snacks Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Prefer high-end

snacks to ensure that your dog has a good diet. You will have to choose high-end products of well-known brands with quality assurance. In most cases, these high-end snacks are developed with high-quality products with the help of experts and veterinarians, so they are most suitable for the energy and nutritional needs of dogs, depending on the age, variety, activity, health status, etc. In general, avoid “low cost” rangesLow prices will inevitably lead to distrust. These biscuits are usually made from animal by-products (indigestion parts such as corpses and tendons), so the poor quality protein has indigestion and cannot provide the essential amino acids required by your dog. They may also be unbalanced and contain too much sugar, fat, salt or phosphorus…

please note that excessive salt and fat will make them more attractive and attractive to your dog. If he is allowed to choose, he may choose these brands rather than high-end brands, but just because he likes these brands better does not mean that he must give up and let him choose. Animals don’t always know what’s good for them. It’s the responsibility of their owners to take care of their health.


also read: organic dog food

choose croquet suitable for your dog’s characteristics.

each dog has a specific croquet. The nutritional needs of dogs are different from those of adult dogs, elderly dogs or sterile dogs. Similarly, animals with disease may need to eat in a different way than when they are healthy. At present, there are croquet series suitable for these conditions on the market: puppies, puppies, sterile dogs and advanced dogs, usually depending on the breed or at least body shape. Veterinary snacks usually provide studied food to meet the needs of certain diseases. You can find the low salt Biscuit series suitable for dogs with heart disease and the low fat Biscuit series suitable for overweight or obese dogs. It is very easy for dogs with digestive problems…

We recommend that you approach your treating veterinarian more closely to benefit from their nutritional expertise and advice. “

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