Called upon by barking from an empty house, the neighborhood discovers 2 Pitbulls left to fend for themselves!

Their barking, which was so many desperate cries for help, ended up being heard. 2 Pitbulls abandoned by their family in a house, one of which was locked in a cage, were rescued by an association. The latter had been alerted by the neighbors.

The former owners of the 2 dogs clearly intended to let them die slowly . Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that they were able to abandon them in the house they had left?

One of those Pitbulls was even locked in a cage . The other, a female , could roam freely on the property, but she had no way of helping her unfortunate fellow, as reported by Animal Channel .

The places were very dirty and the quadrupeds had no food at their disposal. Their repeated barking drew the attention of a neighbor , who alerted the police . The Guardians of Rescue Association, based in Smithtown in New York, has also been informed. Frankie Florida , a volunteer with this organization, took on the task of rescuing the Pitbulls.

The poor dogs were happy to finally have visitors and attention . The dog was wagging its tail, while the one in the cage barked in excitement, as can be seen in the video filmed by Frankie Florida during his speech.

The latter then took them to the premises of the association, where the whole team took care of them . Fortunately, they were in relatively good health despite everything they had been through.

Read also: A dog saves a fawn from drowning and refuses to leave it to continue taking care of it

Thanks to the benevolence of the volunteers and a suitable diet , Max and Sky – as they were named after their rescue – got back into shape and gained weight .

After a stay with foster families , the 2 dogs have both adopted and have thus joined their new respective homes.


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