19 adorable photos of a dog-loving delivery guy

An American delivery boy brightens up his work days by posing with all the dogs he meets. These photos will make you smile.

Jason Hardesty is a young delivery boy living in the United States. His passion for dogs led him to create an Instagram account to post pictures of himself with his canine friends. Indeed, each time he crosses a dog while exercising his work, he takes the time to meet him. Thus, Hardesty and his countless followers see their days light up.

Here are 19 photos of a delivery man and his dog encounters.

1. Happy to meet this Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Read also: A pilot flies over 2,500 kilometers to reunite a dog and his family separated for 10 years (video)

2. Such an adorable puppy has the power to soften all hearts.

3. With such a crunchy face, the whole canvas fell in love with us

4. He sticks out his tongue for the photo

5. Starting the day with such a meeting is priceless

6. A puppy that will grow up in such a short time that the delivery man will no longer be able to carry it.

7. Such a beautiful dog with disheveled hair could be awarded the cutest puppy medal

8. With his blue bow tie that accentuates the gray of his dress, this puppy makes everyone agree

9. The meeting of the day

10. This dog knows how to take care of his head to be elegant in the photo

11. A funny photo in the company of a Humorous Basset Hound

12. A beefy dog and a delivery man who smiles to the teeth

13. Hardesty and this dog wear a bow tie to support a campaign to feed those in need

14. A dog adopted from an association and a photo to promote the adoption of dogs in shelters

15. The delivery man got the sweetest kiss

16. They have only just met and they are already the best friends in the world.

17. This Welsh Corgi Pembroke is looking straight at the camera

18. The dog as well as the delivery man both smile and we are happy for them

19. The dog also seems happy to pose for the photo


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