A heroic dog risks his life protecting a puppy from a porcupine attack, vets intervene!

Spike the dog is a true hero. He defended a litter of puppies that were at risk of being injured by a porcupine. In doing so, he himself was stung. Le Patou had to be operated on twice after this mishap.

Like Quill , a stray cat rescued in Canada, a dog by the name of Spike had a bad encounter, that of a porcupine , but he stopped the latter from injuring puppies . This is what ABC 15 Arizona reported on Wednesday, October 28.

Spike is a Pyrenean mountain dog . When members of the association Arizona Animal Welfare League went to where he was, in the desert of northern Arizona, they found sitting by a range of Schnauzer breed puppies.

The volunteers realized that the courageous Patou had a multitude of quills planted on his face. According to them, the latter came from a porcupine. The dog would have come between the rodent with the body bristling with thorns and its small congeners, who had found themselves left to themselves after the death of their owner . Fortunately, Spike was there to watch over them .

The puppies were taken care of by the volunteers, who bottle-fed them every 3 hours. Their savior, meanwhile, was operated on for the first time to remove the quills, then put on antibiotics before a second operation . Some of the thorns were, in fact, deeply embedded in its flesh, hence this double passage on the billiard table.

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Heroic, Spike is slowly recovering from his injuries. According to the Arizona Animal Welfare League , he is getting better and better . In a few weeks, it can be offered for adoption .

Some of the puppies he saved have already been adopted . Others will in turn be released fairly quickly.


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