Boarding houses for homeless dogs to facilitate the hospitalization of their masters

Association Gamelles Pleines Rennes / Facebook

The association Gamelles Pleines wants to build a pension for homeless dogs in Rennes for next year. She is looking for land in the Breton town to make her project a reality.”

For 6 years, the association Gamelles Pleines has been helping the homeless and their pets through various actions: marauding, veterinary care, food aid, canine education… Not to mention its solidarity calendar, which can be ordered on its website and on that of Wanimo.”

She is currently preparing a new project that already has the support of Nathalie Appéré, the mayor of Rennes. Gamelles Pleines plans to build a boarding house for homeless dogs in the capital of Ille-et-Vilaine, as reported by France Bleu.”

The objective of the initiative is to prevent the most deprived from finding themselves in a deadlock when they have to carry out certain procedures, have access to emergency accommodation or be hospitalized. In such situations, the problem of keeping their animals actually arises for them. Especially since it represents a cost that is extremely difficult, if not impossible for them to assume: between 15 and 25 euros a day.”

A pension to accommodate 9 homeless dogs

To do this, the association is looking for a plot of 500 square meters in Rennes. The structure, which Gamelles Pleines hopes to see open its doors in 2022, should be able to accommodate 9 dogs. This is the maximum number of places allowed.”

The pension will also offer a day care service to offer homeless people a link with us that they do not have at the moment to come to see us, to pick us up, explains Emma Toulouse, a volunteer with the organization.

For her part, its vice-president Anne-Lyse Labouche specifies that the solidarity approach of Gamelles Pleines is the opposite of miserabilism: we do with them and not for them. It’s about supporting people, empowering them and valuing their ability to be masters,” she adds.

Read also: A dog is offered a second chance to live normally after being abused

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