The dismay of the owners of brachycephalic dogs, banned on planes in the French overseas departments and territories

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Following the death of a French Bulldog in Guyana aboard an Air France flight last summer, the company decided to no longer accept flattened-faced dogs on its planes. Other air carriers operating overseas have followed suit, embarrassing the owners of these canines.

On its website, the 30 Millions d’Amis Foundation indicates that it has received many messages from owners of brachycephalic dogs expressing their distress . The latter are, in fact, prohibited in the planes of most airlines in Guyana , Guadeloupe or Martinique .

A measure first taken by Air France following the death last July, on board one of its aircraft, of a French Bulldog dog named Joy . The latter was from Cayenne , Guyana.

The dog nose upturned then were the subject of prohibitions decided by other companies operating in France of Overseas Air Caribbean from October 1, and Corsair 10 days later. The latter even specified the breeds concerned: French Bulldog, English Bulldog , Pug and Boston Terrier . An approach motivated, according to these carriers, by the breathing difficulties characterizing these dogs, as well as their vulnerability to stress . Danger factors when traveling by plane.

For animal owners with this morphological specificity, who have left for the French overseas departments and territories and wish to return to mainland France with their companions, the situation is problematic to say the least. They created a Facebook group to make themselves heard: I will not abandon my animal overseas departments and territories . They also launched a petition on the Avaaz platform.

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For its part, the 30 Million Friends Foundation contacted the airlines in question. Air France responded, assuring that it offered alternatives and that it dealt with each case on a case-by-case basis . The carrier should accept some of these dogs on board its planes under conditions . Air Caraïbes indicated that it had no solution to propose, while Corsair did not respond to the Foundation’s requests.

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